Past Talks and Meetings


The 1901 Census and much more....

Meet a 16th Century Apothecarist

Battlefield Relics, Weapons, Medals & Memorabilia


Remembering the Enderby Men of WW1

The Blaby Union Workhouse

A Guided Walk Around Historic Enderby

Understanding your House Deeds


Leicester in the Second World War

The Victorian Lady


Understanding your House Deeds

Agnes Elizabeth Garth of Tasmania

The Victorian Funeral

The Old School

How to Write Your Family Tree

A Walk Around Enderby of 1850

Stories Behind the Gravestones

Family Tree - Philip Parkinson & Melanie Atkin

Enderby Hall

The Early Inhabitants of Enderby


Men of Enderby of WW1

Interpretation of Photographs and Artefacts in Local Heritage

Contacting the Living

The Alderby Project

The History of the Journal

Exploring Enderby Churches - part 1

Enderby Treasures

Exploring Enderby Churches - part 2


The Enderby Twinning Association

A Field Walking Survey


The Return of the Apothecary & Updates on the Projects of Enderby

Enderby Quarries; a talk by Nigel Moreton

Enderby Town Football Club


Family History and how to trace your Family Tree

The Workhouse

Enderby Hall – a history


Historical Characters of Enderby

Enderby customs - Fairs, St John's Day, Selling the Wether, Letting the Lanes

Enderby Routes - Roads, Rails, Canal, River

Sealed Knot Society

The Growth of Enderby


An Explosive Talk

The Civil War Locally

St John's Day at Alderby

Remembering Enderby

Trades of Enderby


Discussion on Enderby Shops

Characters of Enderby past “Tales from Burials”

Men of Enderby in WWI & WW2 / The Blaby Union

An Evening at St John’s Church Alderby

Enderby Lanes and the Field system

Victorian Enderby “A village changes”


Pictorial Reminiscences of Old Enderby

The Great Fire of Enderby

Hidden Enderby

Educating Enderby

Heritage of Enderby


The Enderby Family Tree

Enderby Heritage Walk

Enderby Wills Part I

Our Enderby House


Enderby Co-op

Miss Mary A Sloane: An Enderby Artist

Enderby Wills Part II

Remembrance: Remembering Enderby's Fallen from WWI


Enderby Quarries

Enderby Residents in the Lunacy Records

The Stableford family

Enderby Hall


Enderby in the Newspapers

Frame Work Knitters of Blaby District

Enderby Memories

World War I and Enderby


1863 – A Year in the Life of Enderby School

Private James Bradshaw - an Enderby Soldier in the Crimea

Enderby Workhouse (Blaby Union)

Another Enderby Artist, George Morland by Barbara Rowse


The Asylum Railway and Brickworks by Andy Moore

Enderby Maps & Aerial Photos

1916 - Enderby & the Somme by Dave Ricketts


Enderby School Photos


Some Enderby WWII Soldiers and Airmen by Dave Ricketts

Enderby Quarries by Nigel Moreton


Lorraine Smith of Enderby Hall

Enderby and the Napoleonic Wars by Dave Ricketts

Enderby in World War II

Tales from an Enderby Funeral Director


Carlton Hayes

Enderby Town Football Club by Steve Postlethwaite

Visit to Leicester Record Office

The Evolution of Enderby by Dave Ricketts

Remembrance Meeting